What's happening
Circus Tickets
We are lucky enough to have Cambridge Junction in our ward and they have generously offered us some tickets to share with local people who may not normally get along to these events. Local residents have been invited to apply via coleridgecf@gmail.com for reduced cost tickets for the show on 21st Dec at 11am.
Quiz Night 15th November
Thank you to everyone who supported our latest quiz night. We had a fun evening and raised funds to contribute to future community events. We also had a collection for Parkinson's UK and raised almost £100 for them - thank you to everyone who contributed.
We had a full coach of people on our seaside coach trip and lots of positive feedback. People commented that they had a great day out and enjoyed time spent with others and a trip to the seaside. A rare treat for some people. We hope to run another trip next year.
Thank you for everyone who supported our first repair cafe held in June.
The volunteer repairers mended 24 items saving an estimated 108kg of potential waste from landfill. Some items were practical such as hedge trimmers, bikes and steam mops saving people the cost of purchasing anew, but others had personal stories such as old clocks or lamps that had belonged to family members and which the wonderful volunteer repairers were able to get going again. We would like to acknowledge the enormous generosity of the volunteer repairers who donated their skills and time for free. The brilliant support of Sandy from Cambridge Carbon Footprint, who provided training and links to their network of amazing repairers and the generous support of St Martin's Church who hosted us. Our friends at Rustat Residents' Association have a repair cafe planned for Sat 9th Nov and we will look at running another in the New Year.
We also held our AGM in June - the minutes will be made available in the next few weeks.
Other activities taking place locally in Coleridge ward
St Martin's Suez Road
Community Lunch
1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month
2 courses cost £4
Carpet Bowls
Mondays with refreshments
Craft Morning
4th Sat of the month
Bring and share your hobby
Breakfast Church
1st Sunday of the month
Women's Breakfast
1st Saturday of the month plus speaker
Vista international ladies' Morning
Fridays 09:45-11:45
Chat, coffee, an activity
St Thomas' Ancaster Way
Tommy's Cafe
Tuesdays social meet up. Plus food larder
Balance and strengthening exercise class
Tuesdays 11:45 to 12.30 Cost £2
Men's breakfast
2nd Saturday of the month
7:30 to 9am
Yoga Class
Monday 17:30-18:30
Gabriela Pingarron-cardenas
Knitting for Visually Impaired and Blind
Friday 09:30-12:00
E: avonlady@hotmail.com
Movement Class
Tuesday 18:30-20:00
Saturday 10:00-11:30
Nancy Whitten
Little Rockers (parent and toddlers aged 4 and under)
Monday 10 to 11.30am
Rock Baptist Church £2 per family
Gentle Yoga
Thursday 17:15-19:45
Deborah Hempstead
Mixed dancing
Folk, Western, Bollyhood
Friday 19:00-20:00
John Xavier
Tea/coffee and cake
Guest speaker and games afternoon
Friday 14:30-16:00
Afternoon Tea
Wednesday 13:00-16:00
01223 243804
T’ai Chi
Wednesday 19:30-21:30
Thursday 11:30-12:30
Mike Tabrett
Tuesday 13:00-16:00
01223 513242
Indian Dance Class
Wednesday 17:30-19:30
Thursday 17:45-18:45
Sunday 15:00-20:00
Divya Ramkumar